L01 - How to work with this course

This course is the ultimate guide to prepare you for the LID exam by guiding you through all 300 potential questions in an efficient and effective manner. Whether you have 2 or 4 weeks to prepare, this course can accommodate your schedule.

I've grouped the questions into sets of 30, using spaced repetition with breaks in between and 1 comprehensive review every 90 questions. The first lesson serves as a practice round with only 10 questions to familiarise yourself with the methodology.

Each lesson, or study session, follows the same steps to optimise your learning:

  1. Initial Test: you'll do the test without any preparation and this will enable you to see what you already get right without any help. (tip: try not to use the "show translation" button)

  2. Vocabulary: as I have mentioned before, you don't have to know all the German words on this test or be able to speak B1/B2 German. All you have to do is try your best at understanding the key words on the questions and this way you'll remember all the answers. I have made a vocabulary bank containing 78 key words which are the most prominent ones for the whole test to make it easier for you to remember the questions and answers.

  3. Final Test: after a little break (which I strongly recommend you to take) you'll repeat the test. This way, you can see your progress which is motivating. You'll also see your progress from the previous questions you have already learned on the reviews.

  4. Grouped Questions: you'll find this all the way down to lesson 12. As you progress with your learning, you will notice there are questions about specific group of topics such as: pictures, acronyms, names, history, etc. I have grouped them for you and made it easy to remember all of them in this lesson. You can fast forward if you want and see what I mean :). Ohh and by the way, it's 82 out of the 300 questions, so, only 218 to go!

  5. Special questions: you'll find this all the way down to lesson 13 when you finish studying all 300 questions. you'll need to learn 10 more questions that are specific to the state you live in. you are most likely to get 3 out of the 33 questions on your test, meaning if you learn this 10 questions by heart you already have 3 perfect points for your test and you only need 14 more to pass the test. Sounds easy enough right?

I want to express my joy to see that you have taken the step into taking this course and I am incredibly happy that you are here instead of the integration courses (which, to be honest, is a waste of precious time and money, and if you are already part of one of them... I hope at least you happen to run into this course on time). This course will help you study to successfully pass the Leben in Deutschland or Einbürgerungstest. I will know... because I went through this myself and I can assure you... you WILL PASS after working with this course. I did it in about 2 weeks and passed 31/33. If I could, you can. And by the way... I only had barely A1-A2 German level at the time, so if you don't think you have the German level, we’ll have that covered too.

Enjoy :)
