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German Grammar Genius
A - Introduction to the course (13:01)
1 - Sentence Structure - Part I
A - Subject and Direct Object - Explanation (5:39)
A - Subject and Direct Object - Examples (5:52)
A - Subject and Direct Object - Exercises
B - Indirect Object - Explanation (5:20)
B - Indirect Object - Examples (3:31)
B - Indirect object - Exercises
C - Vorfeld Rule - Explanation (4:32)
C - Vorfeld Rule - Examples (6:00)
C - Vorfeld Rule - Exercise
D - Second Verb - Explanation (4:02)
D - Second Verb - Examples (6:16)
E - Satzklammer - Explanation and Examples (10:19)
E - Use of "nicht" - Exercise
F - Verb Order - Explanation (8:33)
F - Verb Order - Examples (6:24)
F - Verb Order - Exercise
G - Separable Verbs - Explanation (8:57)
2 - Nouns, Articles and Pronouns
A - Gender and Number - Explanation (6:20)
B - Cases - Explanation (4:58)
B - Cases - Examples (6:20)
C - Definite Articles - Explanation (5:14)
C - Definite Articles - Examples (3:26)
C - Definite Articles - Web App (7:29)
My game: DER DIE DAS, Rockets! (0:30)
D - Indefinite Articles - Explanation and Examples (4:47)
D - Indefinite Articles - Web App (1:19)
E - Personal Pronouns - Explanation part I (4:43)
E - Personal Pronouns - Explanation part II (9:27)
E - Personal Pronouns - Web App (5:00)
F - Possessive Articles - Explanation (9:08)
3 - Verbs: simple Forms
Introduction (1:45)
A - Present (Präsens) - Explanation (8:19)
A - Present (Präsens) - Web App (7:56)
B - Imperative - Explanation (4:58)
C - Past (Präteritum) - Explanation (7:48)
C - Past (Präteritum) - Web App (6:15)
D - Participles - Explanation (4:53)
E - Paradigms - Explanation (13:28)
4 - Verbs: German Oddities
A - Polite form "Sie"- Explanation (9:11)
B - Accusative or Dative? - Explanation (7:35)
C - Separable and inseparable Prefixes - Explanation (12:51)
D - Reflexive Verbs - Explanation (13:53)
E - From Verbs to Nouns - Explanation (7:43)
5 - Verbs: Composite Forms
A - Perfect - Explanation (10:48)
B - Plusquamperfekt - Explanation (4:12)
C - Werden: Become and Future - Explanation (8:22)
D - Werden: Future and Passive - Explanation (5:59)
D - Werden: Exercise
E - Modal Verbs - Explanation (12:54)
F - Verb chains - Explanation (15:50)
G - Superchains - Explanation (14:20)
G - Chains and Superchains: Exercise
6 - Prepositions
A - Prepositions and Prepositional Blocks - Explanation (6:35)
B - One-case Prepositions - Explanation (5:14)
B - One-case Prepositions - Web App (4:55)
C - Two-case Prepositions - Explanation (14:25)
C - Two-case Prepositions - Web App (3:08)
B + C - All Prepositions - Web App (2:43)
D - Prepositions + Articles Compounds - Explanation (4:40)
E - Verbs and Prepositions - Explanation (7:35)
F - Nouns and Prepositions - Explanation (3:16)
7 - Adjectives and Adverbs
A - Adjectives vs. Adverbs - Explanation (3:45)
B - Predication and Attribution - Explanation (4:31)
C - Squires: adjectives without articles - Explanation (9:34)
C - Squires: adjectives without articles - Web App (3:12)
D - The jealous squire: adjectives after articles - Explanation (4:45)
D - The jealous squire: adjectives after articles - Web App (4:08)
E - The lazy articles: adjectives after indefinite articles - Explanation (3:55)
E - The lazy articles: adjectives after indefinite articles - Web App (3:19)
F - The whole adjectives declension - Explanation (3:22)
F - The whole adjectives declension - Web App
8 - Sentence Structure - part II
A - Emphasis in the Vorfeld (9:40)
B - Mittelfeld: nouns and personal pronouns (16:07)
B - Mittelfeld: Nouns and Pronouns - Exercise
C - Mittelfeld: Tekamolo (6:04)
C - Mittelfeld: Tekamolo - Exercise
D - General Sentence Structure (5:58)
D - General Sentence Structure - Exercise
E - New information to the right (5:15)
F - Complements with Prepositions (3:53)
G - Recap of Principles (15:09)
G - Recap of Principles - Exercise
H - Emphasis at the end of the sentence (10:31)
I - Verb-Noun, Verb-adjective and Verb-Preposition Combinations (6:41)
L - The Nachfeld (7:51)
9 - Interrogative Sentences (Questions)
A - Introduction: Wann, Warum and Wie (9:32)
B - Wo? (10:07)
B - Wo? - Exercise
C - Interrogative pronouns (12:33)
C - Interrogative pronouns - Exercise
D - Yes / No Questions (Verb first) (5:58)
D - Yes/No Questions - Exercise
10 - Subordinate Clauses
A - Subordination (18:02)
B - Subject and Object clauses (13:23)
B - Subject and Object clauses - Exercise
C - Adverbial Clauses (9:43)
C - Adverbial Clauses - Exercise
D - Relative Clauses - Part I (18:41)
E - Relative Clauses - Part II (13:29)
E - Relative Clauses - Exercise
F - Infinitive Clauses (12:48)
F - Infinitive Clauses - Exercise
G - Coordination (5:22)
H - Conjunctional Adverbs (5:42)
H - Conjunctional Adverbs - Exercise
I - Prepositional Adverbs (7:25)
I - Prepositional Adverbs - Exercise
L - Three extra details (13:00)
10 Simple Ways to Support our Work
11 - Konjunkiv and Hypothetical sentences
A - Konjunktiv II - part 1: Würde (9:10)
B - Konjunktiv II - part 2 (16:43)
B - Konjunktiv II - Exercise
C - Hypothesis: conditional clauses - part 1 (14:43)
C - Conditional Clauses - Exercise
D - Hypothesis: conditional clauses - part 2 (16:17)
D - Ob, Wenn, Wann - Exercise
E - Other common uses of Konjunktiv II (11:03)
F - Konjunktiv I (14:50)
12 - Nominal Blocks
A - More than simple nouns (13:51)
B - Vorfeld of the nominal block (14:09)
B - Vorfeld of nominal blocks - Exercise
C - Participles as adjectives (22:58)
C - Participles as adjectives - Exercise
D - Nachfeld of the nominal block (13:26)
D - Nachfeld of the nominal blocks - Exercise
E - Russian dolls: Depth (18:11)
E - Russian dolls: Depth - Exercise
F - Russian dolls: Width (25:48)
F - Russian dolls: Width - Exercise
D - Werden: Exercise
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